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Why do people get married? Why is marriage important?

Ever wondered if it is really necessary or important to get married?

The answer to that question is – It Depends on person to person!

In this blog let’s discuss some of the reasons why someone should marry or why they shouldn’t.







Why Marriage is necessary:

If we see a person’s life from the beginning, we have grandparents, parents, siblings, other family members, and relatives. With time, they keep leaving us – older ones leave us after completing their life, while our siblings and other family members leave us at some point in time.

Indeed, we have friends and peers but they also have their own lives and responsibilities.

Therefore, we all need a lifetime companion. Someone with whom we can think to spend our entire life.

  • Every one of us faces several ups and downs in our lives. So, we need someone who can be with us and help us whenever we need them, with whom we can share our joy, happiness, sadness, and be there with us through our emotional rollercoaster rides.
  • Everyone has their physical, social, mental, and emotional needs. Marriage is a great way of having a permanent person in life who can fulfill all these needs.
  • If we think from a psychology perspective –
    • No one needs anyone else at the peak of their life. If you are enjoying an independent life, it is understandable if you don’t want to marry.
    • If you think of the time when you will not be able to work properly due to your physical or mental limitations with growing age, you will need someone who can be with you.
    • There can be no one else better than your life partner, who can care for you and check on you whenever you need.


In case you are thinking otherwise, ask these questions to yourself before deciding not to marry:

  • Do you have a future plan? – As we discuss above that having a life partner means having a lifetime friend and companion. Just think – what will you do in a long time if you would be living alone throughout your life?
  • What you will do when your physical and mental health will be not as good as now? – You might not be as physically, mentally, socially, psychologically, emotionally, and economically strong as you are today! Have you ever thought about what will you do at times like these if you have no one around to care for you? Will you be able to handle your emotions at a later age alone?
  • What you will do when your near and dear, relatives and friends will not be around you? – You are living happily with your family, siblings, and friends right now. Just think about it – If you are dependent on any one of them, then what are your plans if due to any reason if they leave you (maybe because they die or relocate far from you or themselves get married and have their own families).
  • Are you self-sufficient enough to handle all these scenarios?

I haven’t mentioned above questions to scare you. It’s your task to ask yourself all these questions and find answers. If you are sure that you don’t need a life partner and you can handle these situations by yourself, or you have some plans to overcome these problems, then you can think of living your life as you want and remain happily unmarried.


Marrying or not is one of the biggest decisions of anyone’s life. lifetime. Everyone needs to be very careful while making this decision, as one right decision can make your life heaven, while one wrong decision can make it worse than hell. Don’t decide to marry or not to marry based on only your current conditions. Instead think about all the future situations too, like what you want in your life? Will you be able to achieve everything by yourself? How will you handle negative or positive situations if you are alone? Analyze all such situations by yourself and then decide accordingly.

Think carefully about the following questions and write down your answers in the comments section below.

Do you want to marry or not?

What are your reasons to marry or not to marry?

Write in the comment section below.


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